Herman being spoiled by us and Aqua (the cat)

Herman’s bicycle accident…

Visual approximation of a bicycle (not the actual bicycle involved in the incident)

Visual approximation of a bicycle (not the actual bicycle involved in the incident)


Thursday evening, two young girls were riding on one bicycle on the sidewalk. Always the protector, Herman tried to warn the girls that this was unsafe. Herman succeeded in turning them and stopping them, but, unfortunately they fell right on top of poor Herman crushing his foot.

Called up Herman’s doctor, but he had just left the office. Herman didn’t seem to be gushing blood, or vomiting, or dizzy, so we figured no need to go to emergency animal hospital (which would cost several hundreds of dollars more than the normal veterinarian).

The dobermans consult about how to handle the case of injured Herman (photo not from actual event))

The dobermans consult about how to handle the case of injured Herman (photo not from actual event))

Emergency evacuation team (two dobermans and their people) arrived shortly after the accident, and Dr. Mark (one of the people) checked out Herman and diagnosed Herman as mentally unstable as always (Mark is a psychologist).

Then Mark and I loaded Herman into the emergency evacuation vehicle (Mark’s truck) and helped him home and upstairs for an overnight rest before seeing the vet in the morning.

Earlier that same morning…

Around 7am on Thursday, Aqua (our cat) snuck outside to explore and was exploring all night, until it started raining, and then as soon as the rain stopped she came out of whatever hole she was hiding in from the rain, and stood outside our front door yelling that, of course, was about 4:30am

(…to be continued…)

Herman's swollen and sore foot after bicycle accident

Herman’s swollen and sore foot after bicycle accident

Friday Morning

Herman’s right hind foot is swollen and he will be seeing the doctor this morning.

Friday late morning update

Herman being spoiled by us and Aqua (the cat)

Herman being spoiled by us and Aqua (the cat)

Herman got no breaks… I mean his foot and leg are not broken. Just a severe sprain which should be fine in a while. Weather forecast calls for extreme spoiling of the dog (Herman) this weekend, as we pamper him, bring him breakfast in bed, treats (with medicine), etc..

Unfortunately, Herman likes to stand on his right foot when lifting his left leg to pee, and then he does his burn-outs/moonwalk with opposing front and hind leg, so there will be some adjustments he needs to make until healed.

Friday evening update

Stay tuned to find out how far Hop-a-long Herman will hop-a-long on tonight’s walk…

Herman doing burn-out (pre-injury)

Herman doing burn-out (pre-injury)

Sunday morning update

Short walk Friday night. Hung out on the greenbelt Saturday until Herman pooped (first time since the accident). Saturday evening walked across Pacific Coast Highway (with leash around waist to help support rear end) first time since accident. Visited neighbor’s 21st birthday party. Herman wanted to stay and party.

This morning walked at least half-a-mile, about half of that without support from leash around waist. Herman was able to lift left leg (supported by right hind foot – the injured one) to pee, but still can’t do a satisfactory (for Herman) burn-out.


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