My First 5K Race Kiddin’ ???

I have not competed in any running or triathlon since Los Angeles Marathon last March. I fell in the stairs at my brother’s house in Florida and broke my right ankle last spring. Of course I had to cancel any events (both running and triathlon) I had planned, because I was stuck in Florida until the summer. My orthopedic surgeons/doctors ordered me not to travel.

I was in Florida, because my brother got serious illness, including severe stroke last December, just before Christmas. He was unable to walk or talk. Now he improves a lot as walks with walker/cane and talks a few words.

My hubby, Barefoot Ken Bob and our big baby, Herman (my real big dog) drove to my brother’s place (as he had planned before my broken ankle) and stayed there until July. We drove back home starting mid-July, visiting a few other friends and family along the way.

Back here in Southern California, my local orthopedic doctor said my ankle bone was 100% recovered after Labor Day and allowed me to run again.

Painful!! But worse after I got out of crutches after 10 weeks (wore hard cast 7 weeks). Also the doctors did not allow me to compete any marathon until next year.

So, the Rose Bowl 5K on Saturday, December 13, 2008 was my first race since I broke my ankle.

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